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Основные направления совершенствования информационной политики администрации Томской области

p align="left">3. Лукиева Е.Б. Теория и практика связей с общественностью: Учеб. пособие. - Томск: Изд - во ТПУ, 2006. - 146 с.

4. Ольшанский Д. В. Политический PR. - СПб.: Питер, 2003. - 544 с.

5. Почепцов Г. Г. Паблик рилейшнз для профессионалов. - М.: Рефл-бук, Киев: Ваклер, 2000. - 624 с.

6. Информационная политика. Учебник / Под общ. ред. В. Д. Попова. М.: Изд-во РАГС, 2003.

7. Информационная политика. Учебник / Под общ. ред. В. Д. Попова. М.: Изд-во РАГС, 2003.

8. Шевченко А.В. Государственная служба и СМИ: правовое регулирование отношений: Учеб. пособие. - М.: Изд-во РАГС, 2007.

9. Попов В.Д. Тайны информационной политики: социальный психоанализ информационных процессов. М.: Изд-во РАГС, 2003.

10. Коновченко С.В., Киселев А.Г. Информационная политика в России. Монография. - М.: РАГС, 2004. - 528с. -

11. Коновченко С.В. Общество-СМИ- власть. - Ростов-на-Дону: СКАГС, 2001.

12. Алешина И. В. Паблик рилейшнз для менеджеров. - М.: ИКФ, 2003. - 480 с.

13. Концепция государственной информационной политики Российской Федерации, 1998г.

14. Г.В. Лысенко Взаимодействие власти и СМИ: стратегия и технологии ее реализации (региональный аспект) // Социологические исследования, № 4, Апрель 2008, C. 73-77

15. Попов В.Д. Информациология и информационная политика. -- М., 2003]

16. В. А. Ядов. «Социологическое исследование; методология, программа, методы» / В. А. Ядов. -- Самара : Самарский университет, 1995. -- 331 с.

17. Н.А. Колодий. «Социология массовой коммуникации часть 2» : учебное пособие / Н.А. Колодий. - Томск: ТПУ. - 116 с.

18. Связь с общественностью в политике и государственном управлении. / Под общ. ред. В.С. Комаровского. - М. : РАГС, 2001.- 520 с.

19. Чумиков А.Н. Связь с общественностью: учеб.пособие. - М.Дело,2000 г.

20. Социальная информациология. Словарь./ Сост. Л.И.Мухамедова. Под общ.ред. В.Д.Попова. -М.: РАГС,2006.

21. Нисневич Ю. А. Информация и власть. М., 2000.

22. Анникова В. А. Информационная политика в системе властных отношений: региональный аспект. Кемерово, 2000.

23. Попов В.Д. Государственная информационная политика: состояние и проблемы формирования, М., 2002

24. Манойло А.В. Государственная информационная политика в особых условиях: Монография. -- М.: МИФИ, 2003

25. Дзялошинский И.М. СМИ, власть и гражданское общество в регионе. -- М..2002. - 43 с.

26. Пашенцев Е.Н. ПР: от бизнеса до политики - м.: 2000

27. Почепцов ГГ. Информационные войны. Киев. 2000

28. Мирошниченко А.А. ПР в общественно-политической сфере - М.: 1998

29. Королева В. Из жизни властей: четвертая надеется на первую // Советник - 2009. - № 3, с.22-25

30. Русаков А.Ю. Связи с общественностью в органах государственной власти

31. Сибирцева Ж.Е. Особенности PR деятельности в государственном учреждении// Актуальные проблемы гуманитарных наук. Труды IV международной научно-практической конференции, с. 337-340

32. Попов В.Д. Социальная информациология и журналистика: Учебное пособие. - М.: Изд-во РАГС, 2007. - 336 с. -

33. Стратегия развития информационного общества в Российской Федерации. № Пр-212 // Российская газета. 2008, 11 февраля.

34. Синяева И.М. Сфера PR в маркетинге: уч. Пособие/ И.М. Синяева, В.М. Маслова, В.В. Синяев - М.: ЮНИТА-ДАНА, 2007.-383с.

35. Отчет о работе Департамента по информационной политике и работе с общественностью Администрации Томской области за 2008, 2009г.

36. Политические коммуникации: уч. Пособие для студентов вузов - М.: Аспект Пресс, 2004. - 332с. -

37. Чумиков А.Н., Бочаров М.П. Связи с общественностью: теория и практика: уч. Пособие - 4е издание. - М.:Дело, 2007. -552с. -

38. Мандель Б.Р. PR: методы работы со средствами массовой информации: Учеб.пособие. -- М.: Вузовский учебник, 2009. -- 205 с.

39. Бюрократия и власть в новой России: позиция населения и оценки экспертов / Аналитический доклад / Институт социологии РАН. М., 2005.

40. Руководящие принципы политики совершенствования информации, являющейся общественным достоянием, создаваемой государственными органами, подготовлены Полом Ф. Улиром. Париж, 2004

41. Концепция ФПЦ «Развитие телерадиовещания в Российской Федерации на 2009-2015 годы». URL: http:www.cnews.ru

42. Федеральная целевая программа «Электронная Россия на 2002-2010 годы». Правительство РФ. М., 2001

43. Законодательство Российской Федерации о средствах массовой информации. М., 1996.

44. www.tomsk.gov.ru - официальный сайт администрации Томской области

45. www.kress.tomsk.ru - официальный сайт губернатора Томской области

46. www.novotomsk.ru - информационно-аналитический портал Администрации Томской области

47. The free encyclopedia [Electronic resource]: http://www.wikipedia.org

48. Free management library [Electronic resource]: http://managementhelp.org/blogs/crisis-management/2010/04/09/trial-by-media-dos-and-donts

49. http://www.mediarelationsblog.com/

50. Nonprofit Newswire [Electronic resource]: http://nonprofitnewswire.com

51. Make Me Media Savvy: The Art of Working with the Press [Electronic resource]: http://makememediasavvy.com



Peculiarities of government PR Agencies' work with Mass Media

(заголовок раздела)


(номер раздела)

Студент ___11150 _______________ Е.В. Нисина

(номер группы) (подпись)



Консультант кафедры КТЛ

доцент, к.ф.н. ______________ Т.В.Конюхова

(должность, ученая степень, звание) (подпись)



Консультант-лингвист __ АЯБК___

(аббревиатура кафедры)

старший преподаватель_ ____________ Ю.В.Фалькович

(должность, ученая степень, звание) (подпись)



Tomsk 2010

Peculiarities of governmental PR agencies interaction with Mass Media is urgent topic under study in terms of information policy research. The main problem of interaction between authorities and mass media is difference in aims of informing society. It is extremely important for the state that the information on public institution activity had a positive orientation taking into consideration problem of political stability maintenance in a society. The journalist, publishing exposing materials, often works on his own image. As a rule, for the journalist negative information which, undoubtedly, attracts much more attention from read will be the most interesting and sensational. Government services employees of public relations face necessity of this dilemma solution in their daily work.

Governmental PR agencies create information occasions where mass media are used, that help agencies provide a society with news, form «the public agenda». Mass media regularly use press releases, material prepared by governmental PR agencies.

There are a lot of ways to attract attention of the press. All mass media are ready to place mere information materials even if they treat them differently because of distinctions in the editorial policy and habits of their basic audience. The press always welcomes any news material if only this material was authentic and issued in time.

The press also publishes articles, correspondence and comments which give the background information to news, or articles and essays on the topic of the day or the general character. There are ample opportunities of cooperation of governmental PR agencies with journalists.

There is special division in the governmental PR agencies that is engaged in the given direction of activity. As a rule, it is called the PR Department (or Mass Communications Department) that deals with mass-media or the PR agency. For the PR agency mass media are both audience and tool that requires specific treatment.

A good, solid media team includes three important roles: a media coordinator, a writer, and a spokesperson. Each is critical to the others, and each is also vital independently to the process of effective media management. Roles may overlap, and often can be handled by the same person, but each position must be covered. [47]

The Media Coordinator

The media coordinator must be someone who is personable, can succinctly articulate the issues, and is willing to spend a great deal of time on the telephone. This person makes sure press releases go out on time, keeps media lists updated, makes press calls, and works actively behind the scenes during events.

The media coordinator should become as well-known behind the camera as the organization's spokesperson is in front of it. One person handling press calls can cultivate important relationships with assignment desk personnel, news producers, and camera people. These people are key to getting the coverage of events you need, and the kind of coverage you want.

The Spokesperson

While the spokesperson must be someone who is articulate, he should also be more than that. He should be a good listener, have camera presence, be well-informed about your issue, be able to think quickly on his/her feet, have credibility, be able to develop a good rapport with a reporter, and be intuitive enough to know when a reporter is not friendly.

The Writer

Finally, the writer creates the undergirding for all your press events. Clear, concise, effective writing is essential. Because someone is articulate does not mean he/she can write. Have a good editor available to "tighten up" news releases. Everything that is written and released must reflect accurately the position of your organization. Make sure more than one set of eyes from the media team reviews what goes out.

Governmental PR agencies often use the following forms of media: [48]

* Preparing and distributing of press releases containing information about new events, structural changes in government and administration; about public presentations in the media by administration management.

* Meeting with reporters. This is one of the forms of press-service external and internal life. Meetings are held regularly in the daily activities.

* Organization of “round tables” - one of the forms of joint discussion of ideas, issues and situations relevant to the general public;

* Press conference. It may be necessary to find out the outstanding issues with the public and attracting its attention to solving any problem. In this case, use a press conference, inviting representatives of the media.

* Briefings. The briefing is a meeting of leaders of administration briefly with reporters, inviting representatives of other government bodies. This is the same press conference, but without comment. Briefings are usually arranged in cases of emergencies, public scandals, to give an explanation of what occurred, its causes, to prevent possible.

* Organize regular presentations of management staff in the media. Typically, in the governmental PR agencies from Russian and foreign media have been a number of requests for interviews. Of course, it is impossible to meet all of them, but you must try to make sure that not a single request, not a single proposal has been left out;

* Information exchange. One of the main tasks of the governmental PR agency is to turn the media into the ally. [30, p.55]

Governmental PR agency bases its work with the media conversationally on cooperation and mutual responsibility. Agreement can be documented or be informal, verbal agreements, but, nevertheless, be respected in any case.

One of the principles of work with the media is the flexibility and adaptability to the situation. As governmental PR agencies tend to be widely known, you need a media plan and a comprehensive program of PR-support.

Forming relationships with the media, the service should develop a common policy of these relations. On the one hand, it must determine the rules of providing information for the media, on the other hand - the rules of collection and analysis of information already released by the media for the public. Specialists of the department are constantly monitoring communications in print, radio and television stations, daily press reviews are preparing to lead the administration, assess the results of feedback with target audiences, answer questions, complaints and statements, perform a disproof.

Media in terms of their typological features and capabilities of reaching target audiences

Information space of society is characterized by mass communication, including the mass media, publishing, film, multimedia communications, the Internet.

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